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At Metamed we are offering non-invasive permanent fat loss through Sculpsure.

Sculpsure is an FDA-approved device that utilizes non-invasive laser technology to burn fat cells away permanently without any downtime in select patients. You can now utilize your lunch break time to attain fat loss and return to work immediately after. Patients who qualify for this procedure have excess subcutaneous fatty tissue deposition in certain problem areas such as the abdomen, flanks, thighs, shoulders, and submental region. In as little as 12 weeks, you attain up to 25% of permanent fat reduction in treated areas, helping you achieve a sculpted look in a minimal time period.


The 1060nm wavelength’s specific affinity for adipose tissue, coupled with minimal absorption in the dermis, allows SculpSure to efficiently treat areas of troublesome fat in just 25 minutes per treatment. Over time, the body naturally eliminates the disrupted fat cells with results seen as quickly as 6 weeks, and optimal results are usually seen in as few as 12 weeks.

  • Minimal absorption in the dermis leaves the skin’s surface unharmed
  • Advanced Contact Cooling™ enhances patient comfort
  • The feathering of heat spread provides natural-looking results
  • Mild and transient side effects
Maximum Results Maximize Success

  • Fast, 25-minute treatment per area
  • Versatile applicators to fit a variety of body shapes and sizes
  • Dedicated SculpSure support team to ensure clinical and marketing success
  • Direct to consumer marketing to drive awareness and leads

The SculpSure® device is a non-invasive laser body contouring system intended to eliminate fat cells through non-invasive lipolysis of the chin (submental area) permanently, abdomen, love handles (flanks), back, inner thighs, and outer thighs. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed. SculpSure® treatments are not intended for weight loss results or for people who are obese. Mild side effects may occur, including temporary tenderness, swelling, or tissue firmness in the treatment area. Please consult with your physician to see if SculpSure® treatments are right for you.

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